Exploring Ethnos?

We’re glad you’re checking us out!

We would poke around the website of some place we’d never visited, too. We hope these pages will help you learn all about Ethnos Church. We’re sure you will quickly find that you are welcome at Ethnos, and that your skills, gifts & heritage are valued.

Sunday Services online at 11am via Ethnos Facebook and Youtube

Zoom meetings: Prayer meeting on Tuesdays @ 6:30pm and bible study on Thursdays @ 6:30pm- to join or more informations call 414-374-3457 or email elie@ethnoschurchmke.org

What to Expect

When you come on Sundays, be prepared to meet meet ordinary people from extraordinary places. Dress up or come in casual clothes; better yet, dress in a way that celebrates your ethnicity!

During the worship service, we sing songs about God and to God. We learn from the Bible and listen for what God is speaking to us. We respond to the worship & Bible teaching through communion.

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